Affordable Abodes (AA) strives to catalyse the construction of affordable, resilient and environmentally-friendly homes to low income families around the world. They are technologists, engineers and green advocates, up-cycling more than 95% of inputs which are otherwise industrial and agricultural waste products to create prefabricated building materials with similar (and often superior) properties to concrete but without the harmful environmental effects. Their model revolves around kenaf, a plant with an incredible range of applications. Through training and partnerships, AA is teaching communities to literally grow their own houses.
The results are broad-based – dignified, standard housing for whole families; much improved carbon footprint compared to traditional concrete solutions; significantly quicker construction process. Additionally, the business builds local value chains and creates sustainable income, via farming, industrial applications, etc. Eventually, this will be expanded to include education and up-skilling of local communities in the area of construction and materials.
VISIT WEBSITEAffordable House is within reach. Check out our story that brings hope and affordability that everyone can own a home.