A pioneer in the student loan asset class in Indonesia, registered with OJK. Focusing on healthcare and technology sectors, utilising funding from a mixture of a mix of institutional investors and a proprietary P2P platform. Danadidik aims to provide affordable alternative financing for tertiary students (university, polytechnic and continuing education), with a target of halving effective interest costs what they are paying now (currently ranging from 48% to 100%).
In a country where large swathes of the population remain unbanked, Danadidik is a pioneer in offering access to credit to students in professional vocations. With such access, Danadidik’s customers are in some cases able to triple their income from their previous background in subsistence farming. The target market size is eventually around 20 million students with insufficient financial means, and Danadidik hopes to fund up to 100,000 students per year by 2025.
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